Thursday, February 19, 2009


update on my dressing better: depends on the day, but do note the pointy shoes on my feet. and if you could just see my dark wash jeans....

and an update on my father's hip replacement surgery: He is doing well, going through physical therapy and dealing with the food at the nursing facility...sorry dad. YOU CAN DO IT! (he has trouble hearing :) Hi mom. She is cute.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Hokey Pokey

Well, my father had his hip replacement surgery today and so far all has gone well. The doctor said it was "a yucky mess". Hopefully you can understand the doctor's terminology, with all of his big words.
So do any of you recall this drawing from an earlier post?? This is an example of what my dad's new hip looks like, just like my Dean's.
This weekend we were able to take a couple of longer walks and I was so thankful for Dean's new hip and I am so thankful for my dad's too. He has been in more pain than anyone should have to endure. Hopefully this will give him a new lease on life, as they say. (No, I don't know who "they" are) A new way for him to walk and get himself turned around. Take care.