Friday, May 30, 2008

Jesus Saves!

In case you want to share this message in a gift...go to a fun website and check out the cool coin purses

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ya Either Love Them or Hate Them...

Yes, we are talking about SPIDERS today. At our lakehouse in East Texas, we have spiders everywhere. If you set anything down on the deck, turn around, and then turn back, there is a web now attached to the item. I am trying to be more environmentally conscience, and have recruited ideas from my favorite "greenie" Mollie Guillmette, who writes a blog with ideas and items that are more environmentally friendly:

and she gave me some suggestions for trying to keep the critters away without killing off all of the bugs and pets and small children with harsh chemicals. This weekend I am trying a diluted mix of lavendar, citrus and water that I will spray around the windows and doors which is supposed to keep them away as they don't like these smells. Did you know that spiders smell with their feet? I know that spiders have a place in our eco system that is essential, but when they are lurking in every corner, making messes with their cobwebs and possibly biting us with their poisonous venom..well, they just need to go away. Now. Hope this suggestion works.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Paradise Found

Every once in a while, something happens to bring a moment of true joy, a spendid rush of pleasure and excitement that brightens and colors your life in a new way. I had one of those moments recently and still have a smile on my face. I accidentally found a website that is completely devoted to the color turqoise. And, to just click and find that you are not alone... there are others out there that love what you love, and understand you in ways that no other does. sigh...wish I had thought of it. What a great outlet for my inner color. Enjoy my joy:

Friday, May 9, 2008

What Time is It?

It's time to buy new spring and summer shoes!! yea! (yes I am this shallow and inspite of the ugly shoes I have been seen wearing, I do love me some pretty shoes) I found this article about pretty shoes that don't hurt your feet:

Here is a pair that I would like to have for summer>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Every year my mom would take me to buy a new pair of patent leather church shoes, white for spring/summer and black for fall/winter. I loved the squeaky new shiney shoes (except for the black mark that I would get on them as I left the store wearing them against my mother's advice.) and couldn't wait to wear them to church. I had to clean them each Saturday night and shine them with vaseline for Sunday morning. I still like patent shoes. They give me that "happy" feeling from my youth. So, enjoy going out and finding that perfect pair for spring to make you smile and to make your feet happy!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Hospital Time (not bidness time)

It's that time again. Sleeping and staying at Baylor Dallas with my dad following his bypass surgery last week. He is doing okay, but still coming out of a very difficult heart surgery.
So in case you want to know, Baylor ICU nurses were great and ICU waiting room very nice. Now that we are in a room, well, not so sure. Staff is nice, but just has a different feel from my stay with my mom in Hendricks Hospital in Abilene last week. Everyone there went out of their way to be helpful and informative and it made a hard time easier. Hopefully it will get better.
Have I mentioned that I can't eat in a hospital room? I think it is the medicinal or cleaning smells, but I even tried to eat a pretzel for dinner last night and it was not wanting to go down. Makes me gag to think about it. Hope I don't have to go and stay as a patient any time soon or I will starve:)