Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This is the day

When I was younger, I loved the Bible verse and song, "This is the day that the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." I just haven't been living it or feeling it. So, today, I am gonna sing it and speak it whether I feel it or not. If you hear loud singing from Dallas, you will know what it is! Do you think that the louder you sing it, the more it will be?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring is here!

Got a chance to drive through West Texas yesterday with my folks and enjoyed the signs of spring! Redbuds and Bradford Pears in bloom, new wheat coming up so green. Rainy clouds gave everything a deeper color as if driving through God's painting. Glorious!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Moving Experiences

1. Couch wouldn't fit when delivered, after trying every which way, had to remove the door on the second floor patio and haul it up. I gave them a big tip!
2. We have mounted security in our complex. Man on horse ambled underneath my patio, so of course I said "hey" and asked the horse's name (Savannah), but forgot to ask his.
3. When you wake up to odd noises in new apartment, very possibly cat trying to climb out of a wardrobe box.
4. Friends are the best!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday's Messy

We are at the messy part of our move. Most of the boxes are packed and ready to load, but there is all this other stuff that keeps floating around, without a specific box or place. I keep finding little items that should have been in this box or that and now where do they go? Dust bunnies are floating everywhere, el spouso sold our washer and dryer, (when I had a load of clothes in the washer!) and there are still a number of pieces of furniture and a fridge that are not going with us, but we haven't found a home for as of yet. Our curb may be really full after tomorrow. We have met some nice people who have come to buy things we have listed on Craig's list which is our favorite way of selling our no longer needed items without having to put on a garage sale. If you haven't check it out yet, I highly recommend it as a resource for buying and selling items locally. Everyone we have met has been really nice. www.craigslist.com
So, off to pack and sort and ready to move on! I sure hope I can find clean sheets for the bed!
(Oooh, I hope they weren't in the washer!)

Monday, March 12, 2007


The trash from the attic is gone. The sofa has been bought and will be delivered to new place. NOW, we have to find a new mattress and box spring. I have always enjoyed looking at home decorating mags and looking at furniture etc., but can I just say that the idea of shopping for a mattress doesn't appeal at all? It is the last large purchase for the move and we are procrastinating big time. Neither of us want to drive around and go in and listen to the verbage from the sales people and lay down and get up and lay down and get up. We are so spoiled. Wow, how sad that I am complaining about being able to actually go purchase a new set. So, today I will go out and choose to be thankful that we have the funds to buy what we need.
Hey since we have been dealing with tons of trash and it is on my mind...check out Mollie Guillmette's latest blog from One Change. It will get you thinking.

Friday, March 9, 2007


My back went out on Wednesday night. Nuf said.
(ps, to those on the edges of their seats about the stuff in the attic...can you spell c _ _ p?
Thanks Geraldo!)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Boxes Boxes

Packing has begun, and as I am married to a man who gets things done, that means "now." I personally, am one who works better with a hard deadline. So, knowing we are moving in two weeks, you can imagine the possible conflict of opinion on when to pack what. We now have boxes lining our living areas and no sure idea of what is really in them. I am trying to continue living in our home as if nothing is happening yet, and while my man is firmly plugging away. He mentioned the other day that we have alot of boxes in the attic. We both looked at each other and realized that other than a few Christmas decoration boxes, we have no idea what is up there either. Does that mean we should just throw them out or take the time to investigate. Stay tuned. I may call Geraldo to go up and check it out. (Hey, you might want to note the date, March 17th as a good day to check out the trash on our (former) curb.

Friday, March 2, 2007

It's a Little Chilly

We are having to replace our furnace and thankfully it has been warmer lately and hasn't been too bad while we wait for the new one to be installed next week. BUT, the upcoming forcast calls for a possible freeze on Saturday night. Hmmm, I am thinking nice hotel, but what about our kitties? No way I am staying in a hotel that accepts cats! So off this afternoon in search of firewood so that we can have a nice cozy fire and pretend we are warm, and it is a search as people in Dallas are already wearing their shorts and flip flops and wood isn't readily available any more. Just thankful I don't live in New York state!