Friday, May 9, 2008

What Time is It?

It's time to buy new spring and summer shoes!! yea! (yes I am this shallow and inspite of the ugly shoes I have been seen wearing, I do love me some pretty shoes) I found this article about pretty shoes that don't hurt your feet:

Here is a pair that I would like to have for summer>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Every year my mom would take me to buy a new pair of patent leather church shoes, white for spring/summer and black for fall/winter. I loved the squeaky new shiney shoes (except for the black mark that I would get on them as I left the store wearing them against my mother's advice.) and couldn't wait to wear them to church. I had to clean them each Saturday night and shine them with vaseline for Sunday morning. I still like patent shoes. They give me that "happy" feeling from my youth. So, enjoy going out and finding that perfect pair for spring to make you smile and to make your feet happy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yo Julie,

These are some rockin black patent leather danskos.,Professional,Stapled%20Clog,2