Friday, September 28, 2007

Fridays Come to Quickly

I used to say, "oh I wish Friday would get here." But now have you noticed? Fridays come really fast. At lightening speed. They are pushing us forward towards the next without a thought of slowing down. I tried to stop and smell a rose the other day, but Friday was pushing me out of the way so that it could hurry up and get started. I do love a good Friday, but I also wish they would just take it a little slower and come a bit more gradual like. If Fridays don't stop speeding forth, I am going to be really old, really soon. I was hoping to take in a bit more of life before that happens. So, Fridays, I love you, but take it easy. Let us take it one day at a time and you can be the treat at the end, instead of the "can you believe it is already Friday again?" It's Friday!

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