Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Praise leader at our church, David Chrane keeps his hair shaved short. His three year old son worries about harmful rays burning his dad's head and finds random items to cover his head such as leaves or the latest, sweet and low packets. He took 30 or so and covered his dad's head and after standing back and taking a look, he said, "it looks good dad, lead praise this way.

My granddaughter Ilon Rain Roepke, my BFF, likes to be "tittled" when she is going down for a nap.

I bought Izzie a loaf pan for $4.95 and she said, "no way! Sweet!"

Gonna have to find a way to make moving to our new "boring off -white apartment" (a smaller version of our current "boring off-white apartment"),more fun. Suggestions welcome within reason. (Neither of us want to paint said boring walls as we will have to repaint in 11 months.) Maybe some new art work like "La La Love You"?

People from my last high school have looked me up on Face Book and asked to be my friend. "don't make me hit my friend!" what movie???? anyhoo... I am old. Don't remember much from high school. Thought I would always remember everything. I was wrong. Hope I was nice to people. Hope I told them about Jesus.
I do remember some people and like that they have checked in with me after so many years. Good friends, Mike C., Jerry Y sent notes I and hope to get in touch with a few other friends that made an impact on my short time there.

Praying for my sweet D and G who are now waiting on the Lord for direction and wisdom as they meet a new crossroad in life. God is GOOD and thankful he knows exactly where you are and where you need to be. Can't wait to hear the plan.

Okay... random thoughts on a non random day.
"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Later peeps.

1 comment:

Aaron and Izzie said...

Duh. Home for the Holidays. Thanks for the loaf pan.