Friday, January 22, 2010

It's True

I do get obsessive about searching for things online. It could be a purse (as you will remember from last year) or a dog (oh wouldn't that be awesome???!!!) or as is going on now, a HOUSE HUNT. We are most likely selling our fun lakehouse (economy woes dictates this hard decision) and buying a house again in Dallas. I know that in the news, Dallas is one of the best places to buy as there is alot of inventory and great prices...but not in the categories I am searching for. I have good taste, what can I say? I have found that there are alot of people like me that do not want to live in a giant brick box (though we can find many of those at great prices) but want instead to live in a house that stirs the emotions because of the architecture, the age, the details and a neighborhood that evokes charm out the wazoo. I am girded for this search. I have on my reality glasses and my dreamer glasses. I have a budget and I have a dream. I asked God to prepare just the right place for us. Can't wait to see what this place looks like and have a strong feeling it might not be about my dream, but about location. So, while I wait...I search on.

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