Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Confession and Choosing

I am in a season of deliberate choosing.
Let's say Dean annoys the heck out of me.... and I get to choose my response. Do i smack him with some sarcasm or do i bless him with my words?
When someone balks at my controlling nature, do I inwardly begin to rage or do I let it go and really forget about it?
You would think that by the advanced age of ___, these attitudes would no longer be an issue, but instead I am being humbled daily with my tongue. It all goes back to the heart and if my tongue reflects my heart, then my heart needs some surgery.
So, Lord I am asking for daily help in controlling my tongue. I am asking for Holy Spirit intervention in my choosing deliberately to bless instead of curse.

I am deliberately choosing to love. LOVE. LOVE.
I want to be a good love-er.

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