Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Better Than Dead

Somedays the only thing you can do is count your blessings, so here goes:
1. My friend Angie likes to meet me for Thai food.
2. My office is kind of like Cheers..."Where everybody knows your name" and when people come in they know my name. (It is on the sign on my desk) for example when Athian Acuil comes in he says, "Hahlo Julie!", salutes me and then shakes my hand. When Deng Bol comes in he says, "Hahlo Julie Dawson!" and gives me a very appropriate and barely touching hug (which means he has to lean way down as he is almost 7 feet) and David Chrane says "Hello Miss Julie! with a smile the size of the sun.
3. There is chocolate in Leslie's office so that I can have a mini hershey each day (until they run out).
4. Someone is coming to look at our house on Saturday (first call since we put it on the market this week).
5. My husband was ready and waiting to hug me when I got home after a really tough day and went to the store to get my prescriptions filled and to get food to make me dinner since it is healthy meal night after weight watchers.
6. Yesterday I got to hold baby Ilon for awhile during prayer time and she just gives me unexplainable comfort and smiles. She loves me just as I am.
Guess that it enough for today. But it has gotten me to thinking of many many more. I am blessed, but today, not as the man at the grocery store always tells me, that he is "truly blessed with no stress." Today I am blessed with stress.
That is better than dead.

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