Thursday, July 3, 2008

Someone is always left holding the cat(s)

We are off to the lake for three nights! yippee! First time to stay multiple nights in our little lake house with our family. Looking forward to grilling out, floating on the lake, looking for turtles with the baby girl and drinking a cold beer on the deck after dark. We have heard that the fireworks will be beautiful all over the lake and looking forward to sitting out on the boat and watching the celebration. Thankful to those who are covering for us at LHC so that we can be away on Sunday and thankful to sweet Mere, who is getting to stuff the cats into a carrier on Friday and bring them down...meowing loudly all the way. Your the best Mere! (hope you make it unscratched) Also thankful for American holidays! So, readers...I exhort you all to go forth and relax, play and celebrate the 4th of July. Free at last, free at last...thank God almighty we can go off for a few days and be free at last with a paid holiday! We are so blessed.

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