Sunday, October 5, 2008

Watch Out Grackels!

We had a great trip to Taos and a side trip to Colorado.
This is a tiny view of Casa Courtney, our little house in the desert, that was covered with purple and yellow sage. We spent our anniversary in Pagosa Springs Colorado at the Hot Springs Resort. After a great dinner overlooking the river, we went to the springs for an evening soak in the pools. Got up early and dipped again and enjoyed the relaxing waters and the views.

Stopped for a picnic on the way back to Taos at a small lake in a state park. So pretty and there is nothing like home made bread,fruit, salami and cheese in the mountains. (really pretty much any food is good in this setting) More than once I heard the phrase "Look at that color!" It was definately one of the prettiest fall seasons we have gotten to experience. If leaves can change into these glorious colors now, can you imagine what the seasons will be like in heaven?
Our last night was spent at one of our favorite places in Taos, The Blinking Light. (yes, there really is a light that blinks) We enjoyed our first night of cooler weather and ate out on the patio by the fireplace. Very delicious and fun to eat wrapped up in Indian blankets. Thanks Laurene! Thanks Don and Gay for sharing the wonderful trip. Don your the man at driving and seeing wildlife at the same time. Gay, I loved the Mountain Bluebirds and your home was definately a 5 star place to stay. (except maybe for the lady out back shooting Grackels)

1 comment:

Meghann said...

That makes me smile! I'm so glad your vacation went so guys deserve it!

love you,