Sunday, March 1, 2009

On The Road Again

Go ahead... start humming along to Willy Nelson while I type. Very fitting as I am headed home after a trip to west Texas today. Went to Abilene to move my folks back to their apartment now that my dad is doing well in his recovery from surgery. They were so glad to be home. Made a stop this morning in my birthplace, the all exciting, Eastland, Texas. Love that the Sonic has Wi-Fi and that there is now a Starbucks next to the Dairy Queen. Gotta love the progress. Actually, for my family, this town has it all:). Anyhoo.... thought you might like to see a little stock photo of this small town where I was born and lived for four years I think. Life there has obviously continued on and so have I. Now I am looking forward to being home. It's fun to be able to have the aircard and use the internet while we travel, and stop for a nice cup of expensive coffee along the way!

1 comment:

Meghann said...

so glad to hear that your dad is doing better!