Monday, February 26, 2007

Sofa, Sedan, Couch, Settee

We have begun the search for a new couch. I was doing a cross word puzzle the other night and realized that there are many words for this particular piece of furniture. But, they all mean the same thing, "Expensive." El spouso and I do not always have the same idea of what it costs to purchase this newest item and it is always interesting to see his face when I go into a showroom and sit on the largest and most expensive piece and yell, "come sit on this one, it is fabulous!" Since we are about to embark on our new life renting a much smaller place with very limited square footage, it makes it even more challenging. So, "come sofa, come couch, come settee, come sedan, come attached cushions with down for a price we can afford upholstered in the most fabulous fabric of all. " We are ready to sit upon you.
(for the right price)

1 comment:

Christy Z said...

You should look at IKEA. They have fun furniture at even funner prices!!! (Is funner a word?)