Thursday, December 28, 2006

I Can Only Imagine

There are days...when you are just ready for more. I am in a place of readiness. I keep thinking and wondering if there will be more colors, notes, landscapes, and smells in heaven. I think about all of the places I long to see in this world that He created, and I don't want to miss out on any of it. Do you think that there will be all of these places and more? I can only imagine. Come Lord. I am ready.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The gifts that keep on giving...white elephant partys

Happy Holidays Batman! Okay, I have been to my second "White Elephant" party of the season and there will probably be more as this appears to be the way people can get rid of stuff each year and have decided to use the Christmas Holidays as the perfect time to host these events. (I usually just take things to Good Will or have a garage sale myself.) So...yet another chance to take a number and pretend to fight over someone else's rejected giftings. Hmmm... our American holiday traditions are slightly odd at times. But, I have ended up with some really nice uh, well, uh, stuff. Just think, all across the country, the gift you gave a few years back is probably now in someone else's home far far away, just waiting for the next White Elephant Party. See you next year. I already have my next year's gifts ready!

Friday, December 15, 2006's hard, it's frustrating, it's refreshing, it's cleansing, it's messy, it's good. Can you tell I am coming into a season of change? I am personally crossing over, officially old as I hit the 1/2 century mark this month and many people in my life are involved in changes too. My people are moving on, moving back, moving when they don't want to, moving because they have to, moving because they are excited to...and I am somewhat involved either emotionally or physically in most of these changes. It takes time to process feelings and emotions about all of this and it is too busy of a time of year to do that. So, this is a note to self: Take time to process after January 1st. Might need tissues.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

relationship etiquette

I read a blog today of a friend of mine, Mollie McClure, and decided based on her comments to compile the following rules of social etiquette for being in a deep intimate friendship/relationship with me. (not in any specific order)
1. Let me Hug you without making the face.
2. Don't say the F word unless it is the only word possible on an as needed basis better be a really good reason.
3. Love my family. (or at least act like it)
4. Think my grandchild is really cute.
5. Be able to laugh at yourself as well as at others (in front of them, not behind them). (well, sometimes behind them).
6. Value my belief in God.
7. Spend time with me.
8. Leave the room if you need to pass gas.
9. If I am in the middle of a really great book, don't keep asking me questions about other stuff.
10. I am a pet person, what can I say?

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Tuesdays can be tough too

Today I woke up with a strong feeling that I should go to a local hospital to check on one of the newer Sudanese families that go to our church, that had a premature baby this past week. They speak very little English and I just wanted to check on them. Both the mother and father greeted me when I went into the room and after a short visit I asked about their departure time. They mentioned that he was there to take her home soon and that the baby would be staying for another month. This will be so hard for this family and as I am processing this I think to ask another question. "Who is watching your other children while you are here? (they have 4 other children, one in school, a six year old and twins who are one year) "No one. They are at home alone." was his response. A six year old watching two very wild and wiggly twin babies. Wow. I told him that in America, it wasn't okay to leave young children alone and that he needed to ask for help in the future, trying not to offend, but also trying to let him know that this was a serious matter. I left ready to quit my job and get all my friends to quit their jobs and all of us go about helping people and fixing their problems. I left overwhelmed for this family and the many others that are a part of our community here at Lake Highlands Church. I left feeling "unable" to take care of all of the needs. As I drove out of the parking lot, with a knot in my gut, God gently reminded me that HE was able to provide and protect. It wasn't my job to save the world. He was on it. I am thankful that He is so Good. This is just one example of the many stories of our International members who have come as refugees. Our International minister, Aaron Roepke will soon have a blog up and coming with a number of life stories of those who have come from other countries and attend our church. I will post it when it is up. Blessings on your day. I am resting in HIM today. Have to. No other place to go.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Mondays Come and Mondays Go

I will just admit it, I am not a Monday person. I begin dreading Monday by the Saturday evening before. I realize it stems from a very real struggle I have with not "living in the present". One of the ways I have found to counter this is to have a morning of fasting and prayer on Mondays. I take this time, to pray over my co-workers, friends and neighbors and have found that it helps keep the focus off of "ME" and more on "HIM". (Now, I would much rather spend the day with God hanging out and talking about my peeps, then actually get up and go to work, so I still have to "act" and get up and go!) This helps me. If you have any thoughts or suggestions about dreading Mondays, let me know. So for today I remind us all, "Rejoice in the Lord always, again, I say Rejoice." Blessings on your Monday. (and go to work!)

Friday, December 1, 2006

Someone loves me

Today I was running an errand at the Dollar Store and someone called my name as I was getting out of my car. It was Bryanna Martin and her son Hudson who is three. He calls me "Miss Julie" and wanted to know if I wanted to "go shop with them". When I told him I was running an errand and had to go back to work, but would be in the Dollar Store for a few minutes, he wanted to know if I would like to be "by" them. He can always make me feel included and wanted!