Monday, December 4, 2006

Mondays Come and Mondays Go

I will just admit it, I am not a Monday person. I begin dreading Monday by the Saturday evening before. I realize it stems from a very real struggle I have with not "living in the present". One of the ways I have found to counter this is to have a morning of fasting and prayer on Mondays. I take this time, to pray over my co-workers, friends and neighbors and have found that it helps keep the focus off of "ME" and more on "HIM". (Now, I would much rather spend the day with God hanging out and talking about my peeps, then actually get up and go to work, so I still have to "act" and get up and go!) This helps me. If you have any thoughts or suggestions about dreading Mondays, let me know. So for today I remind us all, "Rejoice in the Lord always, again, I say Rejoice." Blessings on your Monday. (and go to work!)


Aaron and Izzie said...

life is good, life happens on mondays, sooo mondays are good:) have fun having life!

Mel said...

Mondays suck.